Wills Day Event with Ontario Wills Lawyer

Healthy Employees Contribute More to the Bottom Line

Employees with peace of mind perform much better in the work place. Employees who have a Legal Will and Power of Attorney in place for themselves and their spouse, return to work much faster after life’s eventualities happen. With a Power of Attorney in Place, many employees do not have to miss time from work to complete routine matters such as banking, vehicle transfers, etc.

We Write Lawyer Made Wills for your Workers

We have an efficient system to provide Legal Wills for Workers, at your Work-place or at a local hall or arena. We have client interviews with the Employees and their spouses by video or telephone, The lawyer then drafts the Will and Power of Attorney Documents and emails a copy to the employee for review and approval, and the final step is for the Employee and their spouse, if applicable, to attend a Wills Day Event hosted by the Workplace, at a location on site of the business or in a Hall or Arena in a near-by town. We provide all support needed to show your employees the importance of having a legal will and power of attorney in place.

We offer Group Discounted Rates

If your company has 10 or more employees who are interested in having their Will and Power of Attorney Documents prepared by our law firm, we have great news for you. We offer 20% off our regular fees on a Wills day, and if more than 25 people book into a company hosted Wills Day, we provide the company representative a Free Will and Power of Attorney Document set to show our appreciation for organizing the event.

Provide us with your Name, Email, Phone Number, # of employees at location and best time to call.

We provide all supplies and we provide refreshments on the day of the event.[contact-field required="1" requiredtext="(required)" type="name" label="Name"/][contact-field required="1" requiredtext="(required)" type="email" label="Email"/][contact-field label="Message" requiredtext="(required)" type="textarea"/]

Two Weeks notice is required when booking a Wills Day Event. If you do not have the minimum number of participants, we may book your Wills Day Event at a Local Arena or Hall and may host more than one business at the event.

Wills Day Event with Ontario Wills Lawyer

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